Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


prayer [is] most matter taken a fancy to by Allah. hence this prayer become mu'min people weapon. nothing that most august before Allah that is praying. this matter [is] caused by this world nature there [is] by:
its science [of] moslem scholar.
its prayer [of] fakir people
[his/its] generous [of] plutocrat.
in the case of this prayer placed [by] [at] sequence which to 2. hence us obliged to always to pray to Allah. as for prayer to be granted directly that is its prayer [of] people maltreated, and its prayer [is] the mother to its child.
therefore we may not maltreat people, because if he pray badness to we [is], its prayer will be granted by Allah. and if us ask prayer, hence is first [of] pinta us [is] to our mother, because its prayer will [in] granting direct by allah.
this prayer there [is] which [is] granted is direct, and there [is] indirect also. indirect prayer [in] granting will be reciprocated by Allah with kindliness for the stock of wait [in] eternity,.

kurban history

kurban always relate to Ibrohim prophet. This Matter [is] caused by this kurban come from Ibrohin prophet event slaughtering ismail prophet. this event early from ibrohim dream getting comand to slaughter ismail by Allah. lugbrious pin ibrohim by order of this, because child which have been looked forward to during 80 year ordered to be to be slaughtered by Allah. last [of] ibrohim ask to ismail ' is thou will disembelik because Allah comand ?', and ismail even also [reply/ answer] " if this correctness govern allah hence executing and I will become pious child". then ibrohimpun execute this comand, and at the (time) of ibrohim journey lured by devil. that devil say " thou apahah ibrohim have madness? sharp-looking child will be slaughtered . But ibrohim [do] not tempted by ibrohim and devil even also pelt devil with gravel, and this event [is] immortalized to become tawaf which to 1. then devil lure ismail, and say " ismail, yours bepak [of] madness. a period of/to you will be slaughtered?". then ismail even also [do] not tempted and ismail pelt devil with gravel, and this occurence [is] immortalized to become tawaf which to 2.lalu devil lure siti rough up that is ismail mother. devil even also say " rough up, do thou volunteer your child will die?", and Rough up even also [do] not tempted tetepi rough up [oppositely;also] pelt that setai with gravel. and this made as tawaf which to 3.
after until the target of ismailpin slaughtered, tetepi emerge miracle. ismail [is] even also replaced with a sheep. at that moment kurban immortalized by Rasullalloh.

Rabu, 19 November 2008


Syirik was the opposite from tauhid.yaitu the attitude duplicated Allah in a manner the substance, the characteristics, the action, or in beribadah. syirik in a manner the substance was believe in that allah's being was the same as the substance human. syirik in a manner the characteristics were believe in that the characteristics from humankind were to be the same as Allah's characteristics. Syirik in a manner the action was believe in that someone could arrange the universe, gave fortune, like what was made by Allah during ini. whereas syirik in a manner religious duties meant humankind performed religious duties to apart from Allah. syirik in a manner anything must be avoided by all orang. because although not there are those that could balance Allah's authority. Because of that we must believe in that not the strength that competed with Allah's strength, and not there are those that matched Allah. and we must accept our religious duties only for Allah. because only Allah that could give all of them. Humankind only the creature who was not powerful, and humankind only the creature that lemah. without the strength from Allah humankind could not do anything.

Sabtu, 15 November 2008

About the love

The love like a flower. Was difficult to be guessed, sometimes could emerge suddenly. Although being treated by us every day, and being given by us fertiliser at the time of him the flower will be soft and fell with seindiri him. But although the crop was not treated by us, and gave fertiliser at the time of him the crop will blossom with personally. for example was the crop that grew in the forest, the crop will blossom automatically, without us rawat.malah the flower that was gotten in the forest was prettier apparently. Even so with the love, he could emerge in a manner arrived-tiba. sometimes could make was happy, sometimes sometimes sad, but also could until made annoyed.....
So maintain your love...

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008

cOmpletely wRong of Man

A man and his son were once going with their donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them said, “you fools, what is a donkey but to ride upon?”.

So the man put the boy on the donkey and they went on their way. Bat soon they passed a group of man, one of whom said, “see that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides”.

So the man had his boy get off, and got onhim self. But they hadn’t gon far when they passed two women, one women whom said to the other, “Shame on that lazy lout t6o make his poor little son trudge along”.

The man didn’t know what to do, but at last he took his boy up before him on the donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at then. The man what they were scoffing at. The man said “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for over loading that poor donkey of yours you and your hulking sin?”.

The man and boy got off and tried to thing what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders. They went along amid the laughter of all who mat them till they came to market bridge, when the donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the boy to drop his and of the pole. In the struggle the donkey fell over the bridge, and his fore-feet being tied together he was drowned.

“That will teach you,” said an old man who had followed them:


Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Siapa Manusia
1.Berbagai pandangan tentang manusia
Manusia terdiri dari 2 suku kata ,manus artinya jiwa,ia artinya raga,tubuh kasar atau jisin. Jadi manusia adalah tubuh kasar atau kerangka jasmani yang berjiwa atau manusia adalah benda hidup yang berjiwa (Ali Utsman,1970:26)
2.Menurut al-Quran
Al- Quran menyebutkan bahwa manusia adalah makhluk yang penciptaannya dimuliakan ,disempurnakan dibanding makhluk lainnya
“Sesungguhnya, kami telah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk yang sebaik-baiknya “(Q.S 95 at-tin:24)

2. Sekilas sejarah manusia
1.asal usul manusia menurut ilmu pengetahuan
Asal usul manusia ditekankan pada awal kehidupannya di bumi yang berasal dari spesies baru dari jenis lain.faktor seleksi awal untuk menunjukanbagaimana mekanisme evolusi itu berlangsung.teori evolusi itu diperkenalkan oleh Darwin,pada pertengahan abad ke-19
Menurut ahli paleontologi,evolusi manusia dibagi menjadi empat kelompok berdasarkan tingkat evolusi yaitu:
-Pra manusia
-manusia kera
-manusia purb, dan
-manusia modern
2. Asal manusia menurut Al-Quran
a.Manusia pertama
mengenai unsur pokok kejadian Adam,dalam Al –Quran disebutkan:
1.Diciptakan dari “Hirab” yakni tanah
2.Diciptakan dari “Tin” yakni tanah
3.Diciptakan Allah dari”Shal-shal”yakni tanah kering dari lumpur hitam
4.Diciptakan dari “shal-shal “dan “Fakhar” yakni tanah kering seperti sembikar

b. Kejadian manusia berikutnya
Proses kejadian manusia itu mengalami beberapa tahapan
1. Masa “nuthfah”setetes cairan sebagian kecil cairan,atau tetesan cairan yang mengandung gamet laki-laki maupun perempuan.
2. Masa”alaqah”gumpalan darah yaitu embrio yang telah mendapat makanan dari darah ibu
3. Masa “al-mulghan”segumpal daging
4. Masa “al-idham”yaitu tulang berulang yang dijadikan setelah dijadikan segumpal daging
5. Masa “al-kisa’a bil lahman”yaitu periode pembungkusan tulang-tulang dan daging
6. Masa”an-nasyaah”yaitu masa pembentukan

Proses penciptaan manusia menurut hadis,telah masa nutfah sampai berbentuk rupa,masing-masing memakan waktu sampai 40 hari.masa pemberian ruh kurang lebih setelah 120 hari (4 bulan)
C.Fungsi dan pernan manusia
Setelah dilahirkan manusia sebagai penerima amanat,manusia mempunyai dua tugas yang sangat penting yaitu sebagai “abid” dan “kholifah” dimuka bumi
1.Abid (Hmba Allah)
Manusia diciptakan semata –mata untuk menghambakan diri sepenuhnya kepada Allah,tunduk dan patuj kepada-Nya.wajib menyembahnya,mengesahkan,dan tidak memusyrikan –Nya ,memuji kebesaran –Nya,mengagngkan-Nya,serta bersyukur dan berserah diri kepada-Nya
3. Sebaagi Kholifah
a.Muhammad Ali ash-Shobuni mengatakan bahwa kholifah berarti seseorang yang mengganti dan mewakili kedudukan yang lain
b. Tugas
-Menyeru Kepada jalan Allah
-Menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan
-Memanfaatkan dan melestarikan sumber daya manusia dan alam.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Pangandaran Beach......

Hi!!! every body, My name's Rifki Nurrahadian. I'm a student in technic computer at UNPAD University. Nowday I wil write about my experience in Pangandaran Beach....

One day, After UAN.I have a long day for holiday, I went to Pangandaran Beach together with my friend in Senior High School. I went from Bandung at night used my friend car's, and I tilled in Pangandaran in a morning, before sun rise.So I can enjoyed looked a sun rise. After that I played football with my friend in sand. I played with fell is very happy. After that I went to hotel for broke....

Call on afternoon, I swam in beach. After that I hang out in tehe beach for looked a sunset. Sunset in Pangandaran Beach is very Wonderful....After that I back to hotel for broke, and next day I went to Bandung for back to home....

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Tentang cinta

Cinta itu bagaikan setangkai bunga. Sulit untuk ditebak, kadang-kadang bisa muncul tiba-tiba. Walaupun kita rawat setiap hari, dan kita beri pupuk pada saatnya bunga itu akan layu dan gugur dengan seindirinya. Tetapi walaupun tanaman itu tidak kita rawat, dan beri pupuk pada saatnya tanaman itu akan berbunga dengan sendirinya. sebagai contoh adalah tanaman yang tumbuh di hutan, tanaman itu akan berbunga dengan sendirinya, tanpa kita rawat.malah bunga yang terdapat di hutan lebih cantik kelihatannya.

Begitu juga dengan cinta, dia bisa muncul secara tiba-tiba. kadang kadang bisa membuat senang, kadang kadang sedih, dan juga bisa sampai membuat kesal.....

So.....pertahankan cinta Mu semaksimal mungkin.karna Dia bisa datang secara tiba-tiba.....hehehe.....