prayer [is] most matter taken a fancy to by Allah. hence this prayer become mu'min people weapon. nothing that most august before Allah that is praying. this matter [is] caused by this world nature there [is] by:
its science [of] moslem scholar.
its prayer [of] fakir people
[his/its] generous [of] plutocrat.
in the case of this prayer placed [by] [at] sequence which to 2. hence us obliged to always to pray to Allah. as for prayer to be granted directly that is its prayer [of] people maltreated, and its prayer [is] the mother to its child.
therefore we may not maltreat people, because if he pray badness to we [is], its prayer will be granted by Allah. and if us ask prayer, hence is first [of] pinta us [is] to our mother, because its prayer will [in] granting direct by allah.
this prayer there [is] which [is] granted is direct, and there [is] indirect also. indirect prayer [in] granting will be reciprocated by Allah with kindliness for the stock of wait [in] eternity,.
Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
kurban history
kurban always relate to Ibrohim prophet. This Matter [is] caused by this kurban come from Ibrohin prophet event slaughtering ismail prophet. this event early from ibrohim dream getting comand to slaughter ismail by Allah. lugbrious pin ibrohim by order of this, because child which have been looked forward to during 80 year ordered to be to be slaughtered by Allah. last [of] ibrohim ask to ismail ' is thou will disembelik because Allah comand ?', and ismail even also [reply/ answer] " if this correctness govern allah hence executing and I will become pious child". then ibrohimpun execute this comand, and at the (time) of ibrohim journey lured by devil. that devil say " thou apahah ibrohim have madness? sharp-looking child will be slaughtered . But ibrohim [do] not tempted by ibrohim and devil even also pelt devil with gravel, and this event [is] immortalized to become tawaf which to 1. then devil lure ismail, and say " ismail, yours bepak [of] madness. a period of/to you will be slaughtered?". then ismail even also [do] not tempted and ismail pelt devil with gravel, and this occurence [is] immortalized to become tawaf which to 2.lalu devil lure siti rough up that is ismail mother. devil even also say " rough up, do thou volunteer your child will die?", and Rough up even also [do] not tempted tetepi rough up [oppositely;also] pelt that setai with gravel. and this made as tawaf which to 3.
after until the target of ismailpin slaughtered, tetepi emerge miracle. ismail [is] even also replaced with a sheep. at that moment kurban immortalized by Rasullalloh.
after until the target of ismailpin slaughtered, tetepi emerge miracle. ismail [is] even also replaced with a sheep. at that moment kurban immortalized by Rasullalloh.
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